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{"Color=Steel | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt22", "Color=Mushroom | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt04", "Color=Steel | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt08", "Color=Birch | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739", "Color=Mushroom | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt16", "Color=Birch | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt12", "Color=Citron | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt15", "Color=Citron | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt35", "Color=Bright Multi | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt14", "Color=Bright Multi | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt02", "Color=Orange | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt05", "Color=Orange | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt17", "Color=Soft Multi | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt06", "Color=Soft Multi | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt20", "Color=Turquoise | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt23", "Color=Turquoise | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt09", "Color=Blue | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt13", "Color=Blue | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt01", "Color=Spearmint | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt21", "Color=Spearmint | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt07", "Color=Shadow | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt25", "Color=Shadow | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt11", "Color=Raspberry | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt18", "Color=Raspberry | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt10", "Color=Mulberry | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt41", "Color=Mulberry | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt38", "Color=Forest | Size=Big Mat":"uu434739_alt39", "Color=Forest | Size=Utility Mat":"uu434739_alt37"}FREE LUMENS GIFT WITH CODE(19)
{"Color=Confetti | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt29", "Color=Dill | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt03", "Color=Confetti | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt29", "Color=Dill | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt03", "Color=Turquoise | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt10", "Color=Turquoise | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt10", "Color=Confetti | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt29", "Color=Dill | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt03", "Color=Turquoise | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt10", "Color=Confetti | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt29", "Color=Dill | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt03", "Color=Turquoise | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt10", "Color=Confetti | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt29", "Color=Dill | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt03", "Color=Turquoise | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt10", "Color=Confetti | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt29", "Color=Dill | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt03", "Color=Turquoise | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt10", "Color=Sandstone | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt08", "Color=Sandstone | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt08", "Color=Sandstone | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt08", "Color=Sandstone | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt08", "Color=Sandstone | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt08", "Color=Sandstone | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt08", "Color=Pistachio | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt06", "Color=Gravel | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt30", "Color=Gravel | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt30", "Color=Gravel | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt30", "Color=Gravel | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt30", "Color=Gravel | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt30", "Color=Gravel | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt30", "Color=Sky | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt12", "Color=Sky | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt12", "Color=Sky | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt12", "Color=Sky | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt12", "Color=Sky | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt12", "Color=Sky | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt12", "Color=Black | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt28", "Color=Black | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt28", "Color=Black | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt28", "Color=Black | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt28", "Color=Black | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt28", "Color=Black | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt28", "Color=Blush | Size=35 in. x 48 in.":"uu513487_alt25", "Color=Blush | Size=26 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt25", "Color=Blush | Size=72 in. x 106.5 in.":"uu513487_alt25", "Color=Blush | Size=23 in. x 36 in.":"uu513487_alt25", "Color=Blush | Size=30 in. x 106 in.":"uu513487_alt25", "Color=Blush | Size=46 in. x 72 in.":"uu513487_alt25"}FREE LUMENS GIFT WITH CODE(7)
{"Color=Lapis | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt03", "Color=Lapis | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt01", "Color=Lapis | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt01", "Color=Lapis | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt01", "Color=Rain | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt02", "Color=Rain | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt02", "Color=Rain | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt02", "Color=Rain | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt02", "Color=Rain | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt02", "Color=Rain | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt02", "Color=Coconut | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618", "Color=Coconut | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt03", "Color=Coconut | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt03", "Color=Coconut | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt03", "Color=Coconut | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt03", "Color=Coconut | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt03", "Color=Oat | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt07", "Color=Oat | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt07", "Color=Oat | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt07", "Color=Oat | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt07", "Color=Oat | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt07", "Color=Oat | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt07", "Color=Dune | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt04", "Color=Dune | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt04", "Color=Dune | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt04", "Color=Dune | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt04", "Color=Dune | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt04", "Color=Dune | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt04", "Color=Chalk | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618", "Color=Chalk | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618", "Color=Chalk | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618", "Color=Chalk | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618", "Color=Chalk | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618", "Color=Chalk | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618", "Color=Fog | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt05", "Color=Fog | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt05", "Color=Fog | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt05", "Color=Fog | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt05", "Color=Fog | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt05", "Color=Fog | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt05", "Color=Grey Flannel | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt06", "Color=Grey Flannel | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt06", "Color=Grey Flannel | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt06", "Color=Grey Flannel | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt06", "Color=Grey Flannel | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt06", "Color=Grey Flannel | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt06", "Color=Moon Light | Size=30 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt08", "Color=Moon Light | Size=23 in x 36 in":"CHLP137618_alt08", "Color=Moon Light | Size=72 in x 106 in":"CHLP137618_alt08", "Color=Moon Light | Size=26 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt08", "Color=Moon Light | Size=46 in x 72 in":"CHLP137618_alt08", "Color=Moon Light | Size=35 in x 48 in":"CHLP137618_alt08"}
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FREE LUMENS GIFT WITH CODE(1){"Color=Capas 3 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt02", "Color=Capas 3 | Size=6 ft 7 in x 9 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt02", "Color=Capas 5 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt04", "Color=Capas 5 | Size=6 ft 7 in x 9 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt04", "Color=Capas 4 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt03", "Color=Capas 4 | Size=6 ft 7 in x 9 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt03", "Color=Capas 2 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt01", "Color=Capas 2 | Size=6 ft 7 in x 9 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273_alt01", "Color=Capas 1 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273", "Color=Capas 1 | Size=6 ft 7 in x 9 ft 10 in":"NNMP270273"}{"Color=Palette 1 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP269297","Color=Palette 2 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP269297_alt01","Color=Palette 3 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP269297_alt02","Color=Palette 4 | Size=5 ft 7 in x 7 ft 10 in":"NNMP269297_alt03"}{"Color=Coral":"GANP282263", "Color=Grey":"GANP282263_alt01", "Color=Green":"GANP282263_alt02"}Compareup to 5 items
Why We Love Modern Rugs
Suddenly the living room pops to life with personality thanks to a contemporary area rug or decorative floor covering. Modern rugs and floor coverings are those rare design gems that offer instant color and texture gratification anywhere they are placed. They unite pieces of furniture, anchoring them together like Cheerios that mysteriously gravitate in a bowl of milk. From thick pile rugs to plynyl utility mats, large area rugs and more, these designer rugs go a long way in giving a room atmosphere and substance.
Read MoreWhere Rugs Work Best
Rugs are really an ideal fit for any room of the house. Available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and styles, every space happily welcomes a designer rug. Living rooms benefit from contemporary area rugs, which cover a lot of ground and have no problem handling the amount of foot traffic that occurs in the living room. Consider utililty mats or floor mats for the kitchen and a large area rug positioned underneath the dining table. Formal dinner guests will be sure to enjoy the added accent in the room. For homes filled with hardwood floors, you'll instantly appreciate the comfort of a plush rug beneath your feet in the living room or bedroom. Long runner rugs are perfect for hallways and you can easily enhance the comfort of the throne room by pairing your towels with a bath mat. Lastly, add a bit of charm to your exterior living areas with deck, patio and other outdoor rugs. These options enhance the decor of the space while having no trouble withstanding the elements.
A Modern Rug Design For Every Style
Whether your home follows a traditional decorative aesthetic or is ultra-modern and awe-inspiring, any of these rugs can be the perfect fit. You'll find comfort in the soft, plush floor coverings that will have you enjoying laying on the floor or have your rug serve an optimal functional purpose with any of the indoor / outdoor utility mats available. Look to the luxurious rugs from Linie Design for a modern area rug that is sure to enhance the comfort of the living room. Well-made plynl mats from Chilewich are surprisingly easy to clean and suitable for kitchens, dining rooms and outdoor locations. We especially enjoy pairing a Chilewich floor mat with equally stylish Chilewich place settings at the dining table. Finally, for a design rich with history, style and craftsmanship, check out the rugs from Nanimarquina.
How to Choose the Best Rugs
The contemporary rugs in this assortment are offered in a diverse range of sizes and shapes to accommodate any home decor needs. From large circular rugs meant for the living room to square and rectangular rugs fit for the dining room or long runner rugs that find their home in the hallway, here you will find the perfect size you need for your space. When shopping for a new rug, mat or any type of floor covering, be sure to refine your results by size. Carefully measure the space where you plan to place a rug, being mindful of specific width dimensions. While most area rugs are large and cover a wide amount of room, runner rugs and mats are entirely different. Consider the material of the rug as well. Do you prefer a thick, plush floor covering or one that only supports a function of utility? The type of material of the rug chosen may also lend itself to its color. Most designs add a unique accent to your home, while there are some exuberant options that will really add a pop of radiance. And finally, think about how the rug will blend in with the rest of your home decor. How can a floor covering complement lighting, furniture and other unique implements you feature throughout your house? If you have any questions about the rugs and floor coverings featured here, please call our home decor experts at 877.445.4486.
Other Considerations
Many of the floor coverings in this selection can also be used as an accessory to make your outdoor living area that much more modern. When paired with outdoor accessories and light fixtures made for the great outdoors, you'll have a well-rounded and well-designed deck or patio area. Further enhance your dinner parties with fresh, new dining room furniture and use tabletop accessories to round out the room's personality. And if it's lighting you need to complement your choices of home furnishings, you'll find no shortage of chandeliers, pendants, low profile ceiling lights, wall lights, portable lamps and more.
The Balfour Indoor / Outdoor Floral Area Rug by Jaipur balances bold blooms with a durable construction. This retro-style rug showcases vibrant colors and is flat-woven to a high pile for a soft, texture-rich feel. Made of 100% polypropylene, this ...
The Bandalier Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug by Jaipur features a simple, Scandinavian lattice pattern with a kilim-inspired construction. A mix of flatweave and shaggy sections create a texture-rich, varied pile height that is both comfortable and beautiful. Made from polypropylene and ...
The Hanai Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug by Jaipur is a kilim-inspired design that pairs soft neutrals with a linear, Scandinavian pattern. A unique mix of flatweave and shaggy sections offers a varied pile height that creates a texture-rich feel beneath your ...
Add a stylish offering to your indoor and outdoor spaces with the Justina Blakeney REY REY-01 Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug from Loloi. Hand-woven from 100% polyester fibers in India, its contoured surface shows off a textured surface of horizontal stripes that ...
The Langley Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug by Jaipur pairs a durable construction with a beautiful, traditional design. Capturing an intricate medallion motif often found on antique Turkish rugs, this design brings an elegant touch to the spaces it is in. A ...
Bring the beauty of traditional Turkish rugs to your home’s décor with the addition of the Leighton Indoor/Outdoor Round Area Rug by Jaipur. This stunning centerpiece is crafted from a durable, lightweight polypropylene construction, making it a great addition to ...